
My Staple Skincare Products

Sunday, 30 September 2018

Skincare is my favourite, I love taking care of my skin and feeling refreshed is really important to me! Skincare is the foundation to a good base, when I slack on skincare, I really notice the difference in my makeup and even the way I feel in myself- which may sound dramatic but is honestly true!

This post is about all of my top holy grail skincare products, I use more/different products however the ones I will always repurchase are the ones in this post!

Let me just tell you a little bit about my skin first: I have mostly normal/dry skin, I rarely get blemishes and my skin is sensitive.  I like to stick to the body shop and brands which I know I can trust, hence why so many of the products are from the body shop, I promise this isn't a sponsor ( I wish!).

1) The Body Shop camomile cleansing butter

I use this to remove all of my makeup and honestly it is perfect! Some cleansers do not fully remove your makeup or need a double cleanse however this cleanser melts away all of your makeup with one application. As you rub it in, it turns into an oil- which is perfect for my dry skin. The only disadvantage is that I do not have an excuse to use facewipes anymore because this is so simple and quick!

2) Liz Earle Instant Boost skin tonic 

I have mentioned Liz Earle's products before on my pamper routine post (here) but I will mention them again because this product really is one I will always buy! I am yet to find another toner that that will make my skin feel so clean and radiant, without being to harsh. I never used to understand toner, I thought it was just like putting water on your face- this was because I was not using the right toners. This one really does make a difference to my skin, its part of my daily routine, my skin looks visibly more hydrated and feels cleansed. 

3) The Body Shop vitamin E gel cream

I seem to enjoy Vitamin E ranges because I am also a fan of Superdrugs range. Vitamin E works on my sensitive skin, this moisturiser hydrates my skin without being sticky, it soaks in quickly. The fact that it is a gel formula makes it even more refreshing, I especially like to use it in the summer. I hate it when creams take a long time to sink in and feel heavy (when applying in the morning) it can be hard to find a moisturiser that works on my dry skin without being thick and heavy- but finally I found one!

4) The Body Shop soothing rescue cream mask (Aloe)

In the winter, when I am looking for something that is really going to sort out my dry skin this is the product. It definitely 'rescues' my skin, having dry skin- the winter is not the best, I put this on a couple of evenings a week and it makes all the difference. It is heavy and very thick, it does wonders for my skin! I would highly recommend this if you also suffer in the winter. Though I do not like heavy creams, I apply this at night so that by the morning it has soaked in! 

5) The Body Shop elderflower eye gel

I do not have a lot to say about this but I use it every single morning without fail. I get dark and puffy under eyes, this does not help with the darkness (concealer does that..!) but it does help with the puffiness, as well as making me feel fresh and awake- it is very cooling!

6) Freedom spot gel

I really do not get spots often, I have been lucky with my skin, however when I do, this is the first thing I reach for. I put it on in the evening and by the morning I notice that the spot has either gone completely or has calmed down. I try to put it on as soon as I notice a spot to stop it getting worse and that really works for me. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, if you also love skincare be sure to let me know your holy grail products so I can have a browse and try some out!

Ellie x

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